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2014 Triple Crown of YoYo Results

メインのスタンダードプロ部門では、昨年の全米大会5位のMichael Kurti選手が優勝しています。



Standard Pro Final Results

Name (Last, First) Age Tech Originality Performance Overall Score Place
Michael Kurti 17 65.00 9 20 94.00 1st
Isaac Sams 17 59.77 9 17.5 86.27 2nd
Nehemiah Peterson 16 59.61 9 15 83.61 3rd
Sebastian Brock 24 55.46 9 17.5 81.96 4th
Daniel Dietz 20 48.81 8 25 81.81 5th
Ky Zizan 22 54.81 9 17.5 81.31 6th
Eric Tran-Ton 20 54.45 8.5 15 77.95 7th
Alec Campell 18 53.53 9 15 77.53 8th
Adam Brewster 28 48.18 8.5 17.5 74.18 9th
Eric Koloski 24 43.25 9 20 72.25 10th
Chandler Steele 15 46.98 8 15 69.98 11th
Shane Lubecker 18 45.65 8.5 15 69.15 12th
Michael Ferdico 20 41.07 8 17.5 66.57 13th
Colin Beckford 14 41.78 6.5 17.5 65.78 14th
Jackson Hannon 10 41.91 7.5 15 64.41 15th
Shakeem Anderson 13 39.22 8 15 62.22 16th
Caleb Fisher 13 36.08 7 15 58.08 17th
Keegan Orr 18 31.42 7.5 15 53.92 18th
Drew Mrowiec 16 28.31 7 17.5 52.81 19th
Adam Park 14 31.51 6 12.5 50.01 20th
Brian Long 19 26.90 7 15 48.90 21st
Coulter Fafard 18 24.33 7 15 46.33 22nd
Noah Bachofen 17 22.14 8.5 15 45.64 23rd
Chase Brown 17 27.32 6.5 10 43.82 24th
Philips Nguyen 17 22.00 6.5 15 43.50 25th
Jared Marcus 15 27.91 6 7.5 41.41 26th
Erik Goes 14 20.47 5.5 15 40.97 27th
Chris Mizura 30 19.97 6 12.5 38.47 28th
Jaron Rogers 24 15.07 3 10 28.07 29th
Lawson Kosulic 17 11.81 5.5 10 27.31 30th
Johnny Le 20 6.66 6 10 22.66 31st

Amateur Final Results

Name (Last, First) Age Tech Originality Performance Overall Score Place
Evan Gronberg 14 65.00 7 17.5 89.50 1st
Neel Surti 15 45.36 5.5 12.5 63.36 2nd
Mark Wendt 13 41.23 7 7.5 55.73 3rd
Andrew Lim 13 36.71 5 10 51.71 4th
Matt Mullins 24 30.28 5.5 15 50.78 5th
Spencer Sullivan 20 25.75 6 12.5 44.25 6th
Colin Tuite 16 24.21 5 12.5 41.71 7th
Cameron Friedman 13 20.20 5 12.5 37.70 8th
Cody Krzyzaniak 16 21.79 5 5 31.79 9th
Emma Finucane 15 16.03 4 5 25.03 10th
Matthew Crown 13 12.30 5 7.5 24.80 11th
Jai Sharma 9 11.87 4 7.5 23.37 12th
Tiereney Ulmer 17 1.07 2 7.5 10.57 13th

(via YoYoNews.com)



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東地区大会 10月31日(土) 神奈川
西地区大会 12月19日(土) 大阪

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